Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Resolve or cancel a case

Improve customer satisfaction by timely addressing customers' issues and resolving the cases. Record the resolution, and enter the amount of time to be billed to the customer.

Before resolving a case, close all the case's activities, and make sure the contract the case is linked to is active and has sufficient allotments to resolve the case.

Resolve a case

  1. Follow the steps for the app you're using.

    If using the CRM web application

    If using CRM for Outlook

  2. In the list of active cases, open the one you want to resolve.

  3. Make sure all activities related to the case are completed.

  4. On the command bar, click or tap Resolve Case.

  5. In the Resolve Case dialog box, in the Resolution Type list, select how the case was resolved.

  6. In the Resolution box, type a short explanation of the resolution.

    The actual time spent on all activities, as recorded in the Duration box in each activity, for this case is filled out automatically in the Total Time

  7. In the Billable Time list, select the amount of time spent on the case to be billed to the customer.

    If this case is linked to a contract, the billable time will be subtracted from the allotted minutes for that contract.

  8. Click or tap Resolve.

    A case resolution activity is created and shown in the Activities area. A case resolution activity contains information about a resolved case, including the resolution reason and total time spent on the case. You can reactivate a resolved case at any time.

Cancel a case

See Also


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