Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Track customer and case details

When a customer calls regarding an issue, the job of a customer service representative (CSR) is to record the details of the customers and their issues in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and associate the related activities with the records. The process flow is designed to guide you through the logical steps of case resolution.

  1. Navigate to your area.

    If using the CRM web application

    If using CRM for Outlook

  2. Click or tap New Case or Phone Support.

    The case record opens with the Identify stage highlighted.

  3. For Find Customer, click or tap the lookup button to find the customer record.

    By default, this field shows both account and contact records. You can also type a few letters and press Enter to search for records that contain the letters. More information:  How inline lookup works

    If a record for the customer does not exist, click or tap New in the inline lookup results to create a new contact record.

    When you select an existing customer, the Customer Details area is updated to show the contact details of the customer. It also shows the recent cases and recent activities associated with the customer. Looking at this information helps you understand what other issues the customer might be having and whether there are other cases that have information related to the current case.

  4. For Find Case, click or tap the lookup button, and select a case from the list of cases. This list shows active cases for the selected account or contact.

    If the customer is calling about a new problem for which a record does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, click or tap New in the inline lookup results to create a new case record.

  5. After you select a customer and a case, you can add a phone call activity for the phone call you've just received from the customer.

See Also


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