Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Find a solution from other similar cases

Look at other resolved cases to see if they contain information that can help you resolve a case you're working on. Use the process bar in Microsoft Dynamics CRM to find resolved cases and also associate the relevant ones with the current case.

  1. After you've filled in the necessary details for the customer and case, click or tap the Research stage.

  2. For Similar Cases, click or tap Find.


    If a similar case is already associated, click or tap Find more.

    Find Similar Cases opens. This pop-up form lists all the resolved cases that have the same subject as the current case. For example, if the current case for which you are researching has a subject set to Service, resolved cases that have Service as the subject are listed.

    You can select a different subject to see the cases with that subject. You can also search for cases by typing the keyword in the Search box, and then clicking or tapping the Search icon. When you use a search keyword, it searches on the title of the case and shows the matching results.

  3. You can click or tap each resolved case to see the activities, posts, and notes related to the case.

    Typically, a phone call, task, or case resolution activity has the information about how the case was resolved. The case resolution activity is always displayed at the top in the Activities area because it usually contains the resolution information added by the user who resolved the case.

  4. When you find the case that has the relevant information to solve your current case, click or tap the case, and then click or tap Found a Solution

    The case that you select is added to the Similar Cases area in the case record that you are working on.

See Also


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