Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Create or edit a queue

A queue is a collection of items waiting for action. In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you can use queues to prioritize and assign activities, such as tasks, calls, emails, and appointments. You can also use queues to route and handle requests for service or support.

Queues give you a centralized list of outstanding work that needs attention. Queues also let you sort tasks by type or by the people assigned to complete them.

  1. Make sure you have the System Administrator security role or equivalent permissions in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

    Check your security role

  2. Follow the steps for the app you're using.

    If using the CRM web application

    If using CRM for Outlook

  3. On the Actions toolbar, click or tap New, or click or tap the queue you want to edit.

  4. In the General section, complete the required fields. Note that the email address you enter in the Email field receives all messages sent to the queue.

  5. In the Incoming Email section, in the Convert to email activities drop-down list, select which messages to track as activities.

  6. In the Email Configuration section, in the Mailbox field, select how email is sent and received.




    Email isn't sent or received.

    Forward Mailbox

    Email is forwarded from another email address.

    Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook

    Email is sent and received with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook.

    Email Router

    Email is sent and received with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Email Router. To require that credentials be entered, select the Allow credentials check box.

  7. Click or tap Save and Close.

See Also


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