Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

View your user profile

Your user profile displays useful information about you to your entire organization; for example, your contact information, your organization, and your security role. Depending on your security role, you may be able to make changes to your user profile.

  1. This task requires permissions that are found in all default security roles.

  2. Follow the steps for the app you're using.

    If using the CRM web application

    If using CRM for Outlook

  3. Scroll down and click or tap View your user information.

  4. To check your security role: On the nav bar, click or tap the down arrow () next to your name, and then click or tap Security Roles.

  5. To view other profile information, such as Work Hours, Connections, and Services, on the nav bar, click or tap the down arrow () next to your name.


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