Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Create or edit a campaign

Use campaigns to introduce new products or services or even to boost your market share.

  1. Follow the steps for the app you're using.

    If using the CRM web application

    If using CRM for Outlook

  2. To create a new campaign, click or tap New.

    To edit a campaign, open a campaign from the list.

  3. Type or change information in the text boxes. Hovertips provide hints about what to enter.

    1. In the Campaign section, enter the campaign details such as, name, type, and the expected response rate.

    2. In the Schedules section, enter the proposed and actual start and end dates of the campaign.

    3. Under Financials, enter details about the cost of the campaign and campaign activities, and the budget and revenue of the campaign.

    4. To track conversations in the planning phase of the campaign, in the Activities area, add activities. More information:  Add a phone call, task, email or appointment to a record

  4. When you're ready to save your data, click or tap Save.

  5. To add a marketing list to the campaign, in the Marketing Lists area, click or tap +, and in the Look Up Records dialog box, find and select a marketing list.

    When you add the marketing list, specify if you want to add the marketing list to all its undistributed campaign activities, too.

You can track a planning activity for a campaign, such as identifying advertising channels and supporting materials or contacting an agency to request creation of advertising materials. You can also prepare campaign communications to send to the members on the marketing lists, and create one or more campaign activities for the selected communication channel, such as, email or phone calls. More information:  Add a campaign or planning activity to a campaign.

See Also


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