Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Plan campaigns

Promote your business, expand your reach to new customers, and improve sales by using campaigns in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Use campaigns to store all your marketing information and activities, and gauge the success of your efforts. Campaigns contain planning tasks and campaign activities you need to manage for the marketing campaigns.

Creating campaigns

Add strategic campaign information to your campaign, such as:

Campaigns can include whatever planning activities you want to perform before you launch the campaign, and also the campaign activities you want to manage as part of the campaign. More information:  Track marketing activities through planning and campaign activities

Running campaigns

Launching a campaign simply occurs when you perform your first campaign activity.

To have staff in your organization perform the campaign activities you've created, you must distribute the campaign activity. After distribution, individual activities will be created, such as email or phone activities. You can assign these to the members in your organization. During the campaign, you can create a campaign response whenever a potential customer shows interest as a result of the campaign.

In the same way that a campaign begins with the first campaign activity, a campaign ends when the last campaign activity has been completed, and the created activities have been completed.

More information:  Campaigns vs. quick campaigns: What's the difference

See Also


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