Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Target the right customers with marketing lists

Target the right leads, contacts, and accounts by using marketing lists in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Create static or dynamic marketing lists with members to market or sell to the target audiences.

A marketing list can include any one type of customer record, such as leads, accounts, or contacts. After you create a marketing list, associate it with a marketing campaign or quick campaign to create activities, such as e-mail blasts or individual follow-up phone calls for the leads, accounts, or contacts in the lists.

Create a static marketing list if the list of members is fixed. Use a dynamic marketing list if you want its members to change based on set criteria.

A dynamic marketing list retrieves the updated list of members each time you open the list, create a quick campaign from this marketing list, or distribute a campaign activity for a campaign associated with this marketing list.

See Also


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