Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

System Settings dialog box - Marketing tab

Use the settings on this page to configure marketing settings for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Open the Marketing System Settings dialog box



Set whether direct email through mail merge is enabled in campaigns

Enable Direct Email via Mail Merge

Default: Yes. If Yes, users can send email as a campaign activity using the mail merge feature.


To enable this option, the security role assigned to users for whom you want to enable mail merge must also include the Mail Merge privilege.

Set whether campaign responses are created for incoming campaign activity email (Available only if Email tracking is enabled)

Create campaign responses for incoming email

Default: Yes. If Yes, Microsoft Dynamics CRM creates campaign response records automatically when email messages are received in response to a specific marketing campaign.

Set the auto-unsubscribe options (Available only if Email tracking is enabled)

Set "Do Not Send Marketing Material" option when unsubscribe email is received

Default: No. If Yes, when an unsubscribe email is received, the preference setting for the account, contact, or lead from the marketing list gets updated automatically to not send marketing materials.

Send acknowledgement to customers when they unsubscribe

If the previous setting Set “Do Not Send Marketing Material” is Yes, you can use this setting to send a response to customers when they unsubscribe.

Template for Acknowledgement Email

If the two previous settings are Yes, you must specify an email template to use to respond to customers when they unsubscribe.


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