Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Create, edit, or copy a report using the Report Wizard

All reports that are created using the Report Wizard are Fetch-based reports.

  1. Make sure you have the System Administrator security role or equivalent permissions in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

    Check your security role

  2. Follow the steps for the app you're using.

    If using the CRM web application

    If using CRM for Outlook

  3. To add a new report, click or tap New.

  4. In the Report: New Report dialog box, in the Report Type list, click or tap Report Wizard Report, and then click or tap Report Wizard.

    You can only use the Report Wizard to edit reports that were created with the wizard.

  5. Select the starting point for your report.

    1. To create a new report, select Start a new report.

      - OR -

      To start from a copy of an existing report, click or tap Start from an existing report, and check the Overwrite existing report check box.

      - OR -

      To edit an existing report, select Start from an existing report, select the report, and check the Overwrite existing report check box.

    2. Click or tap Next.

  6. Enter the name of the report, and specify which record types the report will use.

    This step identifies where the data in the report comes from. You can include data from one or two record types, or data from related records.

    1. Enter data in the fields:

      • Report name. This value will be displayed in the Reports area.

      • Primary record type. Data from all fields in this record type and related record types will be available when you are defining criteria for which records to include.

      • Related record type. If you need to display data from a related record type, select an additional record type here.


      Avoid selecting data from a related record type that is not required, as it makes the report take longer to load.

    2. Click or tap Next.

  7. Define a filter to determine which records are included in your report. More information:  Edit the default filter of a report.

  8. Organize and lay out your data

  9. Select the basic format of the report.

    • Table only. This provides a table grouped and sorted as you specified.

    • Chart and table. Displays both a chart and table.

      • Show table below the chart on same page. Clicking on the chart does nothing.

      • Show chart. To view data for a chart region, click the chart region. Clicking on an area in the chart will display a table with details for that section of the chart.

  10. Click or tap Next.

  11. If the report includes a chart, specify the type of chart, and how the data is displayed in the chart.

    1. Select the chart type, and then click or tap Next.

      The Chart preview area shows how the data will be displayed.

      • For vertical and horizontal bar charts and line charts, specify which data to display on each axis:

        • In the Format Column (X) Axis section, select the field to use for the X axis, and the label that is displayed on the chart for the field.

        • In the Format Value (Y) Axis section, you can select two fields. For each field, you can specify the label that is displayed on the chart.

        • In the Format Labels and Legends section, specify whether or not to show the data labels and a legend.

      • For pie charts, specify the slices and values for the chart.

        • For slices, you must select one of the groupings in your report.

        • For values, you must select a numeric column with a summary type.

    2. Click or tap Next.

  12. Review the summary of the report, click or tap Next, and then click or tap Finish.

  13. After you finish defining the report, return to the Report form, and if required, update the name and description of the report, and determine where the report is displayed.

  14. Test the report. On the Reports tab, in the Actions group, click or tap Run Report. If the report needs modifications, edit the report.

  15. Make the report available to others for use. More information:  Determine who can use a report


  • To edit an existing Report Wizard report, first select the report. Then, in the Records group, click or tap Edit. Finally, click or tap Report Wizard.

  • All reports generated with the Report Wizard print in landscape mode.

  • If you need to change data on the General or Administration tabs for a new report, wait until the report is saved before making the changes. Any changes on these tabs made before a report is saved will be ignored.

See Also

Report Writers Guide for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online


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