Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Support customer service with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Improve your customers' satisfaction by tracking and recording their customer issues, maintaining service activities, and managing service contracts and knowledge base articles in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Record service agreements through contracts

Use contracts and contract lines in Microsoft Dynamics CRM to define the terms and conditions of the services or support to be provided to your customer. The contract can be defined for number of calls allowed or the total number of minutes that can be spent on customer issues.

More information:  Define support terms for customers using contracts

Track customer issues through cases

When a customer contacts your organization, a Customer Service Representative (CSR) opens a case and enters information about the customer and the customer's issue.

If the person who opens the case isn't the one to resolve it, the case can be assigned to a queue or to another CSR.

By logging activities and time spent on a case, a manager can track performance and productivity. Open and resolved cases can be searched. A resolved case can be reopened so that additional activities and time can be logged against it, if necessary.

More information:  Track customer and case details

Queue and route services

You can create queues to sort incoming cases according to subject-matter expertise, product teams, or other business designations to ensure that a CSR with the right experience gets each case. You can also assign cases directly to specific CSRs. More information:  Set up queues to manage activities and cases

Share information in the knowledge base

CSRs can share information, including common issues and the approved fixes, product sheets, and updates, in the form of searchable articles stored in the knowledge base. After a CSR finds the right article, the CSR can email the article directly to the customer and store it with the case for review later. More information:  Use articles in the knowledge base

Schedule services

With scheduling, you can provide a service to your customers and ensure that the right combination of personnel, facilities, and equipment are available to perform the service. You can also track a customer's preferences for time of day, service, and personnel.

Manage performance and productivity through reports

Reports are an efficient way to stay informed of customer service performance in your organization. With this information, you can create more precise schedules, forecast resource needs, and manage performance improvements. More information:  Customize and organize reports

See Also


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