Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Create templates for contracts

After a contract template is saved, the template is read-only and cannot be changed.

  1. Make sure you have the System Administrator security role or equivalent permissions in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

    Check your security role

  2. Follow the steps for the app you're using.

    If using the CRM web application

    If using CRM for Outlook

  3. To create a new contract template, click or tap New.

  4. Type information in the text boxes:

    1. Enter a name in the Name text box. The name will appear in the list of available contract templates.

    2. Enter a name in the Abbreviation text box. The name will be displayed as the abbreviated contract template name.

    3. In the Billing Frequency drop-down box, select how often the customer should be billed.

    4. In the Allotment Type drop-down box, select the criteria to track the cases. You cannot change the allotment type for contract lines in contracts that are created from a contract template.

    5. On the Calendar, mark the days and times your organization does not offer customer support. Green dots indicate when the support is offered.

    6. In the Contract Service Level drop-down box, select the service level contract that will be allocated to the customer.

    7. In the Description box, enter a description of the template or any notes about how this template is to be used.

  5. Click or tap Save or Save and Close.


If you need to back up your templates, or export them for use in a different implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you can export them as part of exporting customizations. More information: Export a solution.

See Also


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