Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Customize regional options - personal options

You can change how Microsoft Dynamics CRM displays number, currency, time, and date formats to match your company's regional settings.


The Set Personal Options dialog box is only accessible in CRM for Outlook.

  1. In Outlook 2010 or Outlook 2013, on the File tab, click or tap CRM > Options.

  2. In the Set Personal Options dialog box, on the Formats tab, in the Current Format list, select the name of the language and country or region for the format that you want to personalize, and then click or tap Customize.

    In the Customize Regional Options dialog box, you can change the default settings for the format that you selected by selecting one of the following tabs:

    • Number. Set options for the decimal symbol, digit grouping symbol, digit groups, and negative numbers.


      Some negative numbering options always display numbers within parentheses, for example (100.00), regardless of the preferred setting in some countries/regions. Additionally, some long numbers will not appear with commas as they should, for example 10000. This issue will be corrected in a future release.

    • Currency. Set options for the currency format, negative currency amounts, and number of decimal places.

    • Time. Set options for the time format, time separator, and notation for morning and afternoon.

    • Date. Set options for the type of calendar, whether or not to show week numbers in calendar views, and formats for long and short dates.

  3. On each of the tabs, use the lists to change the default settings for the format that you selected, viewing the changes that you make in the preview boxes.

  4. To apply the changes you have made to the default formats and continue working in the dialog box, click or tap Apply.

    - OR -

    To apply the changes you have made to the default formats and close the dialog box, click or tap OK.


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