Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Customer Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Customer Center

Keep track of notes, tasks, calls, or email with activities

Activities are actions you perform when you contact customers--for example, sending email, making phone calls, taking notes, adding tasks, or setting up appointments.

You can create an activity and associate it with a customer, or if you are working on a customer record, you can create an activity that is automatically associated with that customer.

  1. Navigate to the contact or account you want create an activity for.

    If using the CRM web application

    If using CRM for Outlook

  2. In the list of contacts or accounts, click or tap a name, and then click or tap Activities.

  3. To create a new phone call or task, click or tap Add Phone Call, or click or tap Add Task. Or, to create a new email or appointment, click or tap the More Command (), then click or tap Email or Appointment.

    - OR -

    To edit an existing activity, in the list of activities, click or tap the activity, and then click or tap Open this activity. (Point to the area to the right of the activity to see the command.)

  4. Fill in your information. Use the handy tooltips as a guide.

  5. Click or tap OK to save a new activity or click or tap Save to save an updated activity.


You can't reactivate or edit a closed activity. However, you can add a note to a closed activity.

Also, you can't set reminders in CRM for Outlook for faxes, phone calls, e-mails, letters, or campaign response activities created in the web application or CRM for Outlook.

To create the same activity for multiple records, use a quick campaign. More information:  Create a quick campaign


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